With cybersecurity attacks on the rise, many organizations have adopted certain measures to protect their data and systems, including antivirus, firewall, intrusion detection to protect infrastructure and IT assets. While these are generally effective in defending the organization from external threats, they fail to shield businesses from internal threat actors such as employees and other internal users, third-party vendors, contractors, and privileged administrators who already have access to an organization's valuable assets and sensitive data.
One insider's unguided behavior can expose an organization's intellectual property, financial records, customer data, PII, PHI, or other critical material. In fact, research shows that a majority of the data breaches in recent years involved weak or exploited employee credentials either by a malicious or accidental incident (source). StaffCop aims to help fill these gaps and provide a holistic insider threat prevention solution with features like Employee Monitoring, Privileged User Monitoring, Third-Party Monitoring, User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA), Endpoint Security, etc.
User activity monitoring involves the process of tracking all user activity and behavior while they are logged into a computer (endpoint). By integrating a user monitoring solution into their operations, companies can keep an eye on their sensitive data, employees, and third-party entities such as contractors, remote and special/privileged users, identifying and preventing the misuse of company data and resources.