Compliance Management,
Auditing & Monitoring
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Compliance Management
Compliance is an increasingly challenging task: requiring organizations to manage multiple risk factors across an evolving technology landscape, while also ensuring appropriate user behavior to fulfil the stringent requirements of today’s widely-accepted regulatory standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, NIST and others. Organizations that fail to remain compliant risk severe financial and reputational consequences. Regardless of the industry you are in, you need a solid compliance management solution that can help you attain compliance and then assists you in staying compliant with continuous oversight. Additionally, the solution should provide you with a burden of proof in case of an audit.

How StaffCop can help with your compliance requirements
While there are many solutions available to ensure compliance with respect to various systems, they have been unable to oversee, mandate and manage the human factors embedded in these data driven transactions. With its intelligent behavior analysis and user centric activity monitoring,
StaffCop can identify the human elements in compliance such as insider threats, errors or accidents, allowing you to address critical data protection, security and audit requirements. Irrespective of what your specific compliance requirements are, StaffCop provides the needed control and peace of mind with its many features and benefits.
StaffCop offers non-intrusive, rules-driven user activity monitoring, insider threat detection and data loss prevention features
It enables organizations to achieve compliance and remain compliant with regulatory compliance standards
Content and activity driven rules facilitate compliant behavior with respect to employees, contractors and third party vendors handling data
StaffCop allows you to focus on context with heavy emphasis on user behavior analytics to eliminate false positives, and identify anomalous behavior
It ensures data safety by implementing immediate actions (warn, block action, lock out user, etc.)
The software contains features that record all violations. These records can be for forensics, assists in investigations, and can be leveraged to satisfy audit and breach reporting requirements.
Compliance solutions for various industries
Privacy data (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area. To meet the demands of the regulation, business owners should employ both organizational and software means. StaffCop is a software system which helps you meet these demands, covering a number of important articles.

– Support for GDPR Articles 25: Data protection and design by default, 30: Record of processing activities, 32: Security of processing, 33: Notification of a data breach and 38: Supporting the data protection officer.

– Allows for automatic discovery of privacy related information in both structured and unstructured data leveraging fingerprinting and OCR.

Records data processing activity, updated in real-time to a granular level for all employees, contractors and third-party vendors.

Provides full forensics and video recordings of data breaches.
Healthcare (HIPAA)
It is necessary for all healthcare organizations to comply with HIPAA requirements of privacy and safeguards for medical and patient information as it protects them from data theft, insider threats, fraud and misuses. With StaffCop, healthcare organizations can accelerate the HIPAA compliance implementation and auditing process. Here’s how:

– StaffCop guards protected health information (PHI), claim, care and clinical data ready to use HIPAA policy templates.

– Allows organizations identify employees and third party vendors who fail to comply with activity monitoring and tracking of communication channels like file transfer, email, IM etc.

– Its session recording and risk reports conduct compliance reviews, provide burden of proof and create employee training programs

Legal / law firms
Law firms are constantly faced with the ever evolving challenge of addressing insider threats in respect to safeguarding attorney-client privileged information and client/matter data. Here’s how StaffCop can help these firms tackle these threats, protect confidentiality and product/demonstrate effective oversight to compliance initiatives to your clients:

– This software goes beyond the traditional access and identity management systems to ensure safety of client/matter data and work-product stored in firm repositories.

– Provides oversight, audit and logs of all actions taken by employees (or any subsection of users/departments) as it pertains to the firm's desktops, laptops and content.

– Offers privileged user monitoring, session recording, with searchable logs, videos, and audit trail for forensics.

– It also demonstrates a firm’s ability to comply with AML/KYC, HIPAA, ISO 27001/27002, GDPR and other regulatory standards and laws.
Government / public services
StaffCop allows government organizations to address data loss, cybersecurity and insider threats with its insider threat detection and data loss prevention solutions. As an effective endpoint monitoring platform, StaffCop ensures your adherence to regulatory standards including NIST, FAR/DFARS, FDCC, FedRamp, FISMA and more:

– It uses policies and anomaly rules to apprehend insider threats and sophisticated risk algorithms to identify high risk users and system components.

– StaffCop’s built-in identity based authentication, privileged user monitoring and segregated access control helps to prevent unauthorized data access.

– Session recording, alerts and immutable logs assists forensic investigation and incident response. StaffCop also allows you to locate the source and threat vectors with pinpoint accuracy.

– Finally, StaffCop integrates with BI and SIEM systems to create a cybersecurity perimeter, share threat intelligence and coordinate response.
Retail / ecommerce (PCI DSS)
- StaffCop can be utilized in diversifying access to the cardholders’ data, which means that only authorized users will be able to work with files containing this type of information.

– These authorized users will have a unique identification represented by their name. This also applies to the users of StaffCop – they can be assigned unique IDs and a unique range of permissions.

– StaffCop can prevent cardholder data leakage by blocking information channels through which it may leak. For instance, blocking the USB and CD drives or e-mail applications of PCs that contain this type of information.

– StaffCop monitors all information related to cardholder data and network resources and possesses all the tools crucial to preventing data leakage, including the ability to instantly block the targeted PC. Each card number is identified with the implementation of Luhn algorithm. That way the administrator of the system will be timely notified about the actions with this data which gives him time to take preventive measures.
Information technology (ISO 27001)
StaffCop Enterprise can significantly help you meet ISO 27001 demands. The flexibility of settings makes it perfect to fit any Information Security Management System (ISMS). PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle lies in the core of the standard, so let’s take it with StaffCop step-by-step.

Allows you to monitor and measure user activity and maintain mandatory and supplemental records, exceptions, security events and how they were handled.

Helps you define security roles and responsibility, assess control of regular/privileged users and 3rd party vendors.

 StaffCop Enterprise can track huge amount of information that can be used to analyze user behavior and estimate. Use pre-set and customized reports to analyze data and visualize the resulting output. There are quite handy embedded tools, such as heat map and anomalies detector that could help you track behavior trends and deviations. With experience gained and data collected the ISMS should be corrected in a corresponding way, which means both organizational means and configuring of StaffCop polices.
Public accounting (SOX)
StaffCop's robust fraud prevention, data protection and reporting capabilities empowers public companies, investors, public accounting and management firms to meet several provisions of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) compliance requirements:

– StaffCop’s user activity monitoring and recording prevents accounting frauds.

– Prevent document/data tampering with content rules and access safeguards.

– Its verifiable controls solution tracks data access, discloses data breaches, and exports audit reports as CSV/Excel formats for feeding into ERP systems.

– StaffCop provides historical logs and video records of all user activity to streamline any change in management process.
Online banking (FFIEC)
FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council) compliance comprises a set of conformance standards for online banking. StaffCop assists banks and financial institutions in uncovering potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities and insider threats in their online banking system:

– Offers threat intelligence with 22+ monitored objects, user activities and content sharing.

– Provides ‘always on’ cyber security controls with automated monitoring rules.

– Manages external/third party vendor access and dependency.

– Assist with cybersecurity risk assessment and policy development by identifying vulnerable departments, employees and resources with built-in Risk Analysis Dashboard.
Utilities (NERC)
The NERC-CIP is arguably one of the most rigorous compliance regulation as it contains nine standards and forty-five requirements. StaffCop can assist registered utilities in meeting these requirements:

– StaffCop offers a documented trail of user activities within a desktop or terminal server.

– It provides real-time monitoring of critical systems and user workstations. And receives automated alerts when any system configuration change occurs.

– Offers risk and vulnerability analysis of users, departments, policies or applications.

– Uses session recording, simulated incident detection and threat response to develop mock audit programs and training plans.
Federal agencies (FISMA)
Augment your existing federal security implementation for NIST-FISMA with StaffCop’s comprehensive platform for risk management, information protection and confidentiality. StaffCop provides

– 24/7 or 'always on' continuous monitoring and real-time visual screen recording.

– Risk categorization and configurable risk levels for individual users, groups and departments.

– Ensures the integrity, confidentiality and availability of sensitive data through OCR, fingerprinting and content sharing rules.

– Tracks, documents, and reports security incidents with built in Session Recording, risk reports and immutable event logs.
Feature-rich, affordable with annual and perpetual licensing options
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